About Me

                  So, Who IS Noah Maldo...                   

(Totally Not Batman.)

What my Blog is/Why you Should Read it
This blog is pretty much my unrestrained creative template. I will be uploading interesting scenarios where I can provide my personal solution, as well as share some (hopefully) funny experiences from my life every Monday. I will also be uploading a weekly corny jokes the bottom of every page, because I LOVE puns! Whenever I think one up I'll be sure to share it, and please...feel free to use all of those puns to your hearts content.
You should read this blog because:

  1. It will increase your knowledge(kinda.)
  2. It will increase your humor level.
  3. It will increase your happiness (No guarantees.)
  4. You may grow a beard...my researchers aren't sure whether this beard affect is something YOUR body is doing naturally, or if it's something that has to do with looking at MY blog...
(Be sure to notify your local mage if any signs of large head growth, swelling of the ego, sprouting of wings, or sudden cravings for brains appear as these may be signs that our world is finally becoming AWESOME!)

I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Despite what you may have heard, I am not a polygamist, and I am a christian. I mean, it's in our church name guys. I adhere to all church standards, and my life is better because of it. If you want to learn about my beliefs and standards, feel free to visit lds.org.

I am an army brat. I have lived all over the world, seen many things, done many activities, and met a ton of AWESOME people. Being an army brat is a huge reason I am who I am. It's given me so many opportunities to grow (Not literally. I'm like 5'4 because I'm a short little Mexican dude.)

I love all things retro, I mean come on. If it's oldish, I love it. All of that useless trivia about old gaming systems holds a special place in my heart. If you're like me, then I recommend watching, "did you know gaming," on YouTube. 

Favorite Band
My favorite genre of music is classic rock, along with some 4-'s and 50's tunes thrown in for good measure. My favorite band has to be the Beatles. Especially their, "Golden Slumber," Medley, as well as, "You're gonna lose that girl." Please have a listen if you've never heard them before. Keep in my too though, that this is just one of their older songs. (Later on in their career they had gotten to the point where almost every song was different in style, but still awesome.)

Second Favorite Band
My second favorite band is Electric Light Orchestra because of their old songs, "Mr. Blue Sky," and, "Telephone Line." I also love their new song, "When I was a Boy." These guys are an older band too, however they have just released a brand new album, "Alone In The Universe," after a 15 year break!

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