Friday, November 13, 2015

If Zombies Were Real...

*Disclaimer- I do not REALLY believe in Zombies. Nor do I seriously offer any serious survival tips, as I'm not a professional. This is all just for fun!

So, anyone else ever worried about the Zombie Apocalypse? I sure as heck do, what with all of the tens of zombie books I've read. (They range from garbage and boring to Edge of my seat Madness!) Also there's the two or three zombie films I've watched, and the hundreds of clips I've seen from what feels like every zombie film ever!

I'm not proud too admit this, but zombies have somehow become my biggest irrational fear. However it's not severe, it's just that if I saw a person in a zombie costume I'd probably turn and run.(Which I actually did on Halloween when my neighbor, in what looked like a $5,000 professional zombie costume, walked too close to me and my buds.) Fortunately in my spare time I've managed to put together the perfect plan to survive the Apocalypse!

1. During the beginning stages of the Zpocalypse, DON'T PANIC!!!

2.  Get home and stay away from big public areas, such as malls.

3. Grab your emergency backpack full of rations, communication devices, lots of matches, and weapon (s) of choice. (My recommendation- Katana and silenced pistol, along with a short shield/gauntlet thing to protect one arm)

4. With this backpack go out to investigate the severity of the problem.

5. If the problem is severe enough, return to home base and set up. *It is important that you do NOT touch ANY body whether dead or undead if possible. You don't know how the disease/infection spreads, and have 0 protective gear. Play it safe.

6. Set up any perimeter defenses possible. This could be something like boarding up your windows.

7. Meet up with friends and move out of your populated area after picking up everyone you intend to keep with you.

8.  If you can't meet up with friends, get to the top of your house. We are assuming that the majority of people are zombified. Staying up here for a short while will guarantee safety if you're quiet and blend in. Zombies can't climb. Figure out if you can contact any one and form a group rather than stick it by yourself. *If the majority of the population is healthy, do not bring weapons out, or go to roof. Wait and see how the situation progresses. Only follow steps 6 + 7 if the Government has collapsed. Which it will eventually.  They always do.

9. Now you've definitely met up with people, or have decided to go the path of a lone wolf. It's time to leave.

10. Do not raid or loot at this time. You're main concern is escape.

11. Set up a base once you have reached a suitable location of relative isolation.

12. Begin a daily physical regiment for yourself and your party. It is essential that you stay in shape so that you can quickly deal with any type of physical predicament.

13. Loot and Raid abandoned shops. Make sure there is no zombie there if possible. Try not to go by yourself. Bring at least 1 buddy.

14. Continue to survive and rebuild humanity.

Important things- This is just one plan, feel free to change it up as you wish. Perhaps you already live in isolation or want to save your community rather than abandon ship. Cool. Do what you like.

Thanks for reading guys! Hope you enjoyed, and be sure to keep your brains in your head.

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