Saturday, November 14, 2015

Toasters, The Original Jump Scares!

Toaster = Jump Scare

Today, it seems, is the age of jump scares. For some reason I can't go anywhere without hearing of some youtubers crazy hilarious jump scare montage or hear about some terrifying new horror film that will force the audience to wet their pants. Well, as I kinda mentioned before and as I'll say again, I am a total CHICKEN. It seems that every shadow holds some horrible beast that wants to do nothing, except for eat my guts!

So naturally, today as I made some waffles, the toaster gave me a heart attack. I was looking right at it and thinking, "Man, people get scared of these things so easily..." when it dinged and my waffles popped up. My natural reaction was to flinch and inhale sharply from the surprise. "Dang," I thought to myself, "These things have been around forever. And they've probably been giving people heart attacks for the longest time as well. Nowadays we want that scared feeling, and look everywhere to find it, when it's really no further than our kitchen." 

I swear, those things are just gonna pop up one day and take over the world. But we're not talking about the robopaclypse of 2021 right now, we're talking about our current toasters. So I'd like to propose a game...

  Toaster Scare   

  1. Plug in a toaster and place it onto a table. Now all of the players have to sit around it. (I recommend that people who are easily scared play this as opposed to stalwart folks.)
  2. Place  in 1 or 2 slices into the toaster. 
  3. Set timer to preferred time. (Can be low so game is quick, or long to draw out the tension.)
  4. Start the timer and have everyone focus on the toaster.
  5. Whoever gets scared when the toaster erupts has to eat the bread.  Enjoy!

The game may go down something like this...

I hope you  guys enjoyed this post and give the game a try. Until next time, PEACE!

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