Monday, November 30, 2015


I don't know if you all remembered this, but I have the opportunity to take physics at my school because my school's required classes are slightly different than most other schools required classes. This is super cool and crazy difficult most of the time! The reason I say this here is because of just how blown away I am by the things science allows us to do.

To start off, think of all the things governing our day to day activities that we don't see or understand but science allows us to see. For example, cell phones, televisions, radios, gravity, the radioactivity that provides us with six foot tall rats to throat punch, and a million other things I can't think of right now because I'm a dunderbunny!

Then there are the cool things we get from science like flying in planes, wearing neon tie dye shirts to attract members of the opposite gender, black shades, banana phones, and the batman utility belt!

Truth be told, I would love a bat belt! Could you imagine being able to pull a grappling hook off of your waist so that you can swing from the top of your business tower to that McDonald's a block away so that you can get that elusive Big Mac! Just kidding, because I've really never eaten a Big Mac. I wonder if you have. If you have, you should tell me about that delicious experience, or disgusting gag inducing experience in the comments, or don't. Whatever you're comfortable with.

See ya later alligators, and hope you have a super awesome-sauce day, or week, or month, or FOREVER!!! Adios and bye.

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