Thursday, November 26, 2015


Heyyo potatoes! Well, you're not literally potatoes, but I think you all know that I mean. What I'm saying is that I've been crazy busy with school trying to get stuff down for a couple of tests, but it's turkey time now and I get a little very much appreciated break.

Sometimes thinks get crazy, but right now I'm just gonna take a step back and chill... here in Hawaii. Yep. Tons o fun here for all to enjoy, unless you don't live here I suppose. Hmm. Didn't really think that one through. Any who, I just wanna give you guys the top 5 things concerning Thanksgiving ranked from 5 (Meh) to 1 (AWESOME!)

Number 5.
I like turkey.

I think that the majority of sane people nowadays enjoy eating turkey and then entering a food induced coma afterwords. 'Nuff said.

Number 4
Little crafts at School.

The reason I write this is because everyone at school will ALWAYS get at least one little turkey worky activity, that may take up a whole class. This is great cause it is fun, not schoolwork, and a good ol' waste of time!

Number 3
Having Friends over.

It is always a blast to have guests over, and Thanksgiving is as good an excuse as any to bust out the fancy china. Good quality friend time is always welcome, and I hope you all feel the same way about spending time with your friends and family.

Number 2
Macy Parade!
Parades are a crud ton of fun, and if you've never been to any I highly recommend that you find time to. Last year I had the awesome opportunity to watch a good chunk of the parade live while visiting family (I was next to where those crazy protesters were) but had to leave early because it was too cold for my siblings. Oh well, I still plan on going again later on in my life because as I said earlier, I love it!!!

(Fun Fact- Sonic was the first video game character to appear as a Macy's balloon.)

Hands down the best part of my last couple of Thanksgivings has been playing some sick games of Halo with ma bros while being stuffed with turkey, and mashed potatoes, and sweet potatoes, I'm really hungry. Again, I just love hanging with my pals, especially after a good meal.

Thanks for reading guys, and I hope you have a great Thanksgiving! Bye!

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