Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Holy COW!

As you probably didn't guess from the title, I'm going to talk about english', "Holy cows." More specifically, how hilarious some of English phrases are. I mean come on, A Holy Cow? I guess it came from the Bible and all, but how did that become a popular phrase (that I use a lot) instead of other phrases like, "That's very interesting and not at all a holy cow!!!"

Look at some of our other phrases too like, "Break a leg", "Keep your eye on the ball", and, "I choose you, Pikachu!" (Jk)  Languages are just plain old silly sometimes. For example:

See what I'm saying! Sometimes I will run over my own words and just completely ruin whatever I was saying. I think that I think a lot faster than I speak. (Look at that sentence, kinda confusing huh.) Do you guys have the same issue? I sure as heck hope not cause it is really annoying to have to stop in the middle of your speeches about whether a hot dog would beat a live chicken in a fight! I know that we've all been there before, and felt how ridiculous our peers think we are because we didn't even begin to talk about what the fight would be like if the hot dog is radioactive! Guys we need to fix English, which is probably impossible, but still, let's fix English. I say:

"Fix your bad english America."

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